Posted: 1 year ago

Tbilisi International Festival of Theatre Kicks off in September

One of the significant events, the Tbilisi International Festival of Theatre is back. The Festival will start by the end of September and last through mid-October.

The festival will be hosting theaters from five different countries: 

DANSE MACABRE - September 26-27 (France)

Danse Macabre is an urgent need for creation and art, to stand together against war. The Ukrainian artists Vlad Troistkyi, Tetiana Troistka and the Dakh Daughters arrived in France in March 2022, hosted by the Préau CDN de Normandie-Vire, to escape the war in their country. Together, they create a new theatrical and musical show, a testimony of their uprootedness, stories and sufferings experienced during the war. It is also an invitation to love and peace.

CLOWNS' HOUSES - September 27-28 (Greece)

“....a puppet theory for the human nothing”

One building, five apartments , six characters.  The audience is watching them live their conventional lives in a dark, claustrophobic setting, with their fears, obsessions and loneliness. 

‘Merlin’ are dramatizing and demonizing their obsessions until they finally punish and liberate them with the most violent manner. 

They do not attempt to do existential analysis through their work. They are dramatising the modern way of living in its current form. Tragedy and Comedy. Through the dark rooms of ‘Clowns' Houses’ the loneliness of the modern man is displayed; prison-like houses, people trapped into their routines and habits, distant from their dreams. 

In "Clowns' houses" you will find a combination of different puppetry techniques such as marionettes, top table puppets, object and shadow theatre.

The two puppeteers animate puppets and objects, without being obvious to the public while the realism of the motion, the scenic world and different lighting conditions complement the dark sensation of the play.

LEBENSRAUM- October 4-5 (Netherlands)

two men are living together in a single tiny room. They have ingenuously solved the problem of lack of space. All the furniture has multiple functions: the bed doubles as a piano and the bookcase serves as a fridge. And to compensate for the absence of a woman, the pair create a mechanical cleaning lady. But it soon becomes clear that she has no intention of quietly going about her chores. This doll has opinions of her own. Tensions mount, and the room starts getting smaller and smaller. The men’s latest invention may be their downfall.

Lebensraum is inspired by the works of actor and filmmaker from the 1920’s, Buster Keaton. Keaton was a pioneer in the worlds of slapstick and physical comedy. At that time, silent movies like Keaton’s were accompanied by classical piano music. This piece is going to be live accompanied by Ralph Mulder and Leonard Lucieer of the band Alamo Race Track.

I AM A WOMAN, DO YOU HEAR ME?- October 7 (Iran)

''Our play is about the pains and suffers of Iranian women, women of many years ago to the women of modern life. It tells the story of three generations, starting from a grandma to a young girl living in today's world. It tells the love,hate, fear, hope and … of these.  

Our play is about a war, the war which its sound couldn't be heard.the sound which frizz decades under snow and cold, the sound which we are afraid of its eco.The sound of a Woman.

Her Frustrated story begins from birth، she gets mature, be as a mother , she gets old and this story continues till next generations though maybe in some places and times it gets faint but never destroyed and each of theses pain ,suffers and wishes will inherited to another woman.

Woman, her body and her mind Multiplication in thousand other women.

This play contains Nesting Subtle narration which explains suffering, pain, happiness, hope,.... which each of them will be told by each actress, for example, the grandmother who is narrator and has seen all the thing that happened during these years for women try to arrange this chaotic situation for her same sex.

DISCRETE FIGURES- October 9-10 (Japan)

Dance performance generates bodily expression through mathematical/collective intelligence-based methodology. With AI and machine learning offering new insights into the body schema and movement, numeric data and analytical results derived from it inform the choreography. A neighborhood search system matches pose data from stage footage and movies with dancer pose data, for instance, to project imagery of poses closest to theirs into a rectangular on-stage frame. Analysis of lobby-shot day-of-show audience footage and dancers’ motion data is used to project audience members on-screen as dancers themselves, while on-stage implements from microdrones to the frame respond to dancers’ movements based on various rules and algorithms to generate new bodily expressions. Presented since 2018 in cities around the world including Montréal (Canada), San Francisco (U.S.A.), Tokyo and Barcelona (Spain).